Team Duroflame
Our craftsmen
All Duroflame pellet stoves are designed, developed and manufactured in our factory in the north of the Netherlands. This is where our skilled team of about ten craftsmen builds our design pellet stoves with passion and enthusiasm. High standard, Dutch quality. Meet our experts:

The CNC press brake operator
Our press brake operator is the man who bends the sheet metal with what is known as a press brake. Through his efforts, the distinctive shapes come to life, from 2D into 3D.
The welder
When everything is bent into the right shape, the welder takes care that everything is assembled and welded into one piece. Welding is a delicate job, carried out by real craftsmen. After all, you don’t want to see any welds in your finished stove.
The sandblaster
After the welder has done his job, the stove is almost ready for assembly. But bare metal needs to be coated, this is when the sandblaster roughens the material by blasting sand onto the metal under high pressure. The way the coating can really stick to the metal.
The painter
The painter is responsible for the coating and thus for the look and finish of the final product.